Property and Evidence By The Book Second Edition by Joseph Latta and Gordon Bowens
Organizing Property and Evidencene by Joyce Riba
IAPE Accreditation information and application
Accreditation Information
IAPE CPES Certifcation information and application
CPES Certification

IAPE Professional Standards

The IAPE Board of Directors is charged with the duties of advancing the scope of knowledge and enhancing professionalism within the field of property and evidence management. To help achieve this goal, the IAPE has adopted professional standards in a number of important property and evidence handling procedures.

Adhering to these standards should assure any agency that reasonable steps have been taken to obtain a secure and efficient property and evidence management system. Not adhering to these recommended standards will increase the likelihood of problems associated with the operation of the unit.

The current vesion of the IAPE Professional Standards may be downloaded:
HERE as a single PDF.

You may also download The IAPE Professional Standards by section:


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